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The requirement to provide a Safe Work Procedure (SWP) to staff for each task, as well as for each operator is a minimum standard requirement based in our OHS Act (see Section (b) of the Definitions for "Reasonably Practicable" on Page 5 of the Act) and the relevant Regulations.
It is regarded as a bare minimum requirement as is well explained in Sec 2 (5) & (7) of the General Safety Regulations, in as far as machinery is concerned, keeping in mind this is also defined in the General Machinery Regulations, Electrical Machinery Regulations and Driven Machinery Regulations. For the employer to shoulder the responsibility, to ensure that all staff, and other persons on premises, are well aware of the dangers involved with their presence or during the performance of their tasks, as can be seen in Sec 9 (1) & (2) as well as Sec10 (3) (b) of the OHS Act, is an absolute minimum requirement and cannot be circumvented or delegated.
For this reason, SWP has to be developed for every aspect of the business and daily tasks. Which is only achievable when handled in line with the 4-tier task/machine/environment specific risk assessments, and all required checklists and maintenance registers.
| all about safe work procedure| 
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| the triangle of safety| 
Keeping work safe is a very simple task. Provided the three major requirements are implemented to dove-tail with each other.
1. Risk Assessment
2. Training & Induction
3. Safe Work Procedures
With all three of the above in place, the one complimenting the other, the risk of any injury is reduced to near zero, but more importantly, this is in line with the minimum requirement of what can be expected as reasonably practicable.
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With an unrivalled library spanning hundreds and hundreds of these individual SWP's, which include the relevant Risk Assessments, Checklists + Maintenance Registers, Start-up and Shut-down procedures and posters, specifically designed for each task or machine, which are not available anywhere else in the market in South Africa, Vlame is the perfect partner, ensuring you meet the minimum requirements for compliance.