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Policy documents are a Statutory Requirement in our Occupational Health & Safety Framework.
By law your minimum requirement would be the Health & Safety Policy, and The Evacuation or Emergency Procedure Policy as well as the Environmental Policy.
But a lot more can be regarded as reasonably practicable, while at the same time can greatly aid the Employer or CEO in the running of their business. How to deal with our ever sticter smoking laws? A Smoking Policy keeping the client within the clear. A Blood-spill policy to assist in injuries, and avoid secondary infections by diseases like HIV/AIDS. Substance Abuse Policy to assist with the maintaining of a safe working environment and deal with transgressors.
A comprehensive list of available policies has to be part of the offering of the ideal Health + Safety consultant.
This not only serve as a strong signal in an employer doing all thngs reasonable as required by law, but at the same time provide an alternative means of handling staff issues for HR.
Very often it is a lot easier managing staff transgressions via your OHS system, than via the traditional HR route, which can be extremely slow and encumbersome. Health and Safety allows for much the same relief, but from a different perspective, one where actions is taken in the very interest of the transgressor, supported by the critically important aspect where the safety of all other people at work can be affected negatively by the behaviour of one individual.
A few examples of what else can be implemented from the health and safety perspective:
1. Vehicle Usage Policy
2. Mobile Phone + Portable Devices Usage policy
3. Conflict At The Workplace Policy
4. Violence At Work Policy
And secondary policies, like foodhandling and hygiene, office principles, etc.
| the brilliance of policy | 
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